Visit to Ma (cont)

The home of Grace's Great Aunt Cathie (my Mom's sister) and GU Chip. To the far left is my Grandmother's "apartment", recently built above the garage.

This little 8wk old kitty, Katie, captivated Grace's attention the entire time. Grace tried to squeeze her when she was lucky enough to catch up with her.
We tried to get a good picture of sweet Miranda and her mom Adri. Miranda was born December 2nd, and she let everyone hold her without a peep. Grace on the other hand cried as soon as I let her go. If not before. Great Uncle John- the only way for Grace not to cry was if I was in the picture also.

This cute picture is of my mom and her siblings minus the youngest son Kenny. From left-GA Cathie, my Mom-Grandy Sally, GA Carol, GU Russell. I believe it was taken around 1958.
This is the youngest sibling Kenny (50 years later)with his son Kenny after a hard day of work, it was so nice of them to come by for a visit.
These two lovely ladies are Grace's (my Dad's aunts) Great Great Aunt's Doll and Eloise.
Posted by PicasaOur trip would not have been complete without a visit to an apple orchard. We purchased apples and made two delicious apple pies. Homemade crust and all! Thanks Auntie Cathie. XO
Grace was definitely worn out from her week long stay away from home. Here she is sleeping in the seat next to me on the plane ride home. Our flight home only had 11 people on it! Needless to say the flight attendants were very accommodating. Grace slept during take off and woke when the pilot announced we were descending into Orlando. I watched a movie and had snacks!

We had a great time visiting all the relatives and hope to see them again before Grace is all grown up. It was fun traveling, I was lucky my mom was with me to help. It would have been a lot harder.

1 comment:

La Familia Crespo said...

Love the pictures and it seems like you ladies had a great time! We missed you ladies!


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